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طريقة عمل بقلاوةbaklava بالمكسرات
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Ingredients 25g (4oz) chickpeas, soaked for a few hours better soak in the evening and prepare in the morning juice of 2 lemons ...
المقادير مكرونة فيتوتشينى آلفريدو الايطاليه : 300 جرام معكرونة اسباجتي شرائط (فيتوتشينى) 2 م-ك زبدة نصف م-ص ملح ثمن م-ص فلف...
Labanese rice is a traditional Lebanese dish which are specially served for certain occasions, this recipe is one of the most popular dis...
" Manakish Lebanon’s most demanded breakfast." Ingredients: 1/2 package active dry yeast 1-1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose...
Ingredients 2 anchovies packed in oil, minced 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 5 tablespoons extra-virg...
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Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 500g diced boneless lean lamb, preferably from leg 300g sweet potatoes, cut int...
Arabfood.blogspot is a Arabian best cuisine's blog to learn how to cook those special recipes.